7th - 12th Grade

Production Fees

Production Fees:
Production fees can be handled in several ways:
  • Check for full amount made out to Holy Savior Menard High School before February 1, 2025 ($150)
  • ​Incidental Billing through FACTS on February 1, 2025
  • Finding a Business to sponsor your student (needs to be done before February 1, 2025)
  • Parents also have the opportunity to purchase a “Shout-Out” to their performer in the production program. These are 6 to a page and will cost $50. 

    Example of a shout-out. (This can be designed by you the parent, or we can do this for you – and you supply the message.)

    Email cboothe@holysaviormenard.com with your design or with your message if you'd like us to design the shout ad for you.