7th - 12th Grade

Science Department

The curriculum of the Science Department has been designed in view of the school’s policy of providing a strong foundation of education suitable to the student’s present needs, interests, and future development.  Holy Savior Menard recognizes the role of science and scientific understanding in our world.  To that end, the science faculty has prepared a program of study and laboratory work that will instill scientific knowledge to prepare the student for today’s world and beyond.  Essential to scientific knowledge is the understanding of the scientific method, problem solving, mathematical analysis, laboratory manipulations, ethical considerations, social considerations, historical perspectives, and current topics.  The Holy Savior Menard Science Department provides an opportunity for your child to develop these skills along with critical thinking skills and practical real life situations through extensive laboratory experiences.  The Science Department also recognizes rapid advancements made in technology and as such we are proud to offer STEM related activities throughout a student’s years at Menard.    

Terri Harmeyer 
Science Content Lead
Holy Savior Menard High School